Class Description | This class will cover in-depth Encoded Archival Description (EAD), and provide an introduction to Encoded Archival Context (EAC), the international standards for the presentation of archival descriptive information and records creator authority records on the World Wide Web. At the completion of this class students should be able to:
-Explain the origins of SGML/XML, the concept of a Document Type Definition (DTD) and XML schema.
-Explain the concept of text markup and how it enables text to be viewed on the World Wide Web with the use of a browser, along with basic client-server concepts.
-Explain the history of EAD/EAC, their development, relationships to other archival descriptive standards such as ISAD(G), ISAAR-CPF, and DACS, and significance for the archival community.
-Identify the structure of the EAD DTD and EAC schema, their element composition and other aspects, and how those elements relate to the individual components of an archival collection guide and descriptions of records creators.
-Identify tools developed to aid in the encoding process.
-Identify consortia and individual institutions that have utilized EAD/EAC to markup and post their collection guides and authority records online.
-Markup a simple finding aid and authority record for viewing on the World Wide Web.
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