Critical approach to theories and applications of knowledge management in corporations and organizations, with special attention to multinationals. Knowledge as a resource and asset. Role of special librarians/information specialists as knowledge brokers. Knowledge repositories and transer of technology. Applications of information technologies to knowledge management.
Class Name | Knowledge Management in Organizations |
Host School | Rutgers University |
Class Identifier | 574 |
Credit Value | 3 Credit Hours |
Faculty | Dr. Claire McInerney |
Course Tool (Online) | eCollege |
Class Description | Critical approach to theories and applications of knowledge management in corporations and organizations, with special attention to multinationals. Knowledge as a resource and asset. Role of special librarians/information specialists as knowledge brokers. Knowledge repositories and transer of technology. Applications of information technologies to knowledge management. |
Class Disclaimer | None |
Delivery | Asynchronous |
Start and End Date | January 17th, 2016 - May 1st, 2016 |
Start and End Time (if synchronous) |
Days of Week (of class meetings, if synchronous) |
Last Add Day | January 17th, 2016 |
Residency Start and End Date | No Residency |