Home SchoolSimmons College
Class NameKnowledge Management
Class NumberLIS 465
Course ToolCourse Wiki
Class Section01
FacultyCynthia Correia
Credits3 Credit Hours
Class DescriptionThis course introduces information professionals to the basics underlying the KM function--the organization and dissemination of the information that an organization already owns. Seventy-five percent of the course will address KM from a management perspective and the remainder will introduce the document management issues that the elective courses listed below will further develop. Various aspects of managing KM will be covered such as its link to organizational strategy, costs, benefits, standards, and professionals' roles. Also, operational components will be introduced, including taxonomies, thesauri, indexes, and the retrieval of textual information. Case studies are included.
View Syllabus
Start and End Date9/14/2009 - 12/7/2009
Last Add Day8/14/2009
Residency Start and End DateNo Residency
Class DisclaimerThe syllabus is from Fall 08, when the course was taught face to face. The new syllabus, reflecting online delivery, will be uploaded when it is available. Please allow 2-3 weeks for grade processing after the end date of the course. Check that this delay will not interfere with deadline dates at your school for graduation or financial aid.