Home SchoolSimmons College
Class NameCompetitive Intelligence
Class NumberLIS 530M
Course ToolMoodle
Class Section01
FacultyCynthia Correia
Credits3 Credit Hours
Class DescriptionOrganizations and organizational units increasingly employ competitive intelligence (CI) to support decision-making, management, and to build and sustain competitive advantages. As the formal practice of CI has grown in adoption and sophistication, information professionals are often charged with intelligence-related responsibilities. This course examines competitive intelligence models, functions, and practices; the roles of information professionals in CI, and the management of CI. Discussion and practice topics include: intelligence ethical and legal considerations; identifying intelligence needs; intelligence project management, research methods, analysis, production, and dissemination; the uses of intelligence; intelligence sources and tools; managing the intelligence function; and the evolution of CI. A working knowledge of print and electronic business information sources is recommended.
View Syllabus
Start and End Date1/25/2010 - 5/7/2010
Last Add Day1/8/2010
Residency Start and End DateNo Residency
Residency LocationNo residency
Class DisclaimerSyllabus is from Spring 09, when the course was taught face to face. The new syllabus, reflecting online delivery, will be uploaded when it is available. Please allow 2-3 weeks for grade processing after the end date of the course. Check that this delay will not interfere with deadline dates at your school for graduation or financial aid.