Home SchoolThe University of Illinois
Class NameGeographic Information Systems
Class Number490GIL
Course ToolLEEP
Class SectionGIL
Credits4 Credit Hours
Class DescriptionFocuses on analytical methods using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and will apply these methods to community-based issues, local and national government, and civil society, as well as participatory methods using GIS.
View Syllabus
Start and End Date6/15/2010 - 8/3/2010
Start and End Time
(if synchronous)
6:15pm - 8:15pm United States - Central
Days of Week
(of class meetings, if synchronous)
Last Add Day5/17/2010
Residency Start and End Date6/15/2010 - 6/15/2010
Residency LocationChampaignn-Urbana, IL
Class DisclaimerStudents are expected to participate fully in all aspects of the course (synchronous, asynchronous, and residency). Once enrollment is approved, staff from U Illinois will work with WISE students to request system access. Students should be prepared to provide necessary information in a timely fashion in order to ensure permission is processed prior to the start of the semester.