Home SchoolThe University of Illinois
Class NameEvaluating Programs and Services
Class Number590EVL
Course ToolLEEP
Class SectionEVL
Credits4 Credit Hours
Class DescriptionThis course provides both a theoretical base and an application base for the design and conduct of evaluations. The course includes an introduction to evaluation by reviewing history. It also provides a review of several landmark events and theoretical foundations of evaluation. The remainder of the course is focused on designing evaluations that can be applied to real needs that exists in the LIS context. This course will view the LIS context very broadly to include libraries, museums, retrieval system, and other technology based processes. Students will be able to fit the content of this course to their own specialization or work context. Outcome evaluation will be emphasized in the course, but other forms of evaluation will be included.
View Syllabus
Start and End Date6/14/2010 - 8/2/2010
Start and End Time
(if synchronous)
4:30pm - 6:30pm United States - Central
Days of Week
(of class meetings, if synchronous)
Last Add Day5/17/2010
Residency Start and End Date6/14/2010 - 6/14/2010
Residency LocationChampaign-Urbana, IL
Class DisclaimerStudents are expected to participate fully in all aspects of the course (synchronous, asynchronous, and residency). Once enrollment is approved, staff from U Illinois will work with WISE students to request system access. Students should be prepared to provide necessary information in a timely fashion in order to ensure permission is processed prior to the start of the semester.