Home SchoolSyracuse University
Class NameTechnologies in Web Content Management
Class NumberIST 558
Course ToolBlackboardCE
Class SectionTBD
Credits3 Credit Hours
Class DescriptionThis course introduces concepts and techniques in website content representation, organization, presentation, and development with XML and related technologies. Students will learn about the basic XML syntax, XML vocabulary specification, data modeling, and XML Schema programming. Advanced topics will also be covered on manipulating XML data, including standards, namespaces and schemas, XML Transformation Language, and databases in relation to XML. Lab excises, case studies, and projects will be used to give students a hands-on experience as well as analytical skills in the Web content design and implementation.
View Syllabus
Start and End Date8/30/2010 - 12/16/2010
Last Add Day7/30/2010
Residency Start and End DateNo Residency
Class DisclaimerStudents agree to the course parameters of the host institution, including but not limited to: course management tools, grading, any required residencies, possible synchronous sessions, and academic calendars. Students are expected to meet deadlines as outlined in course syllabus and to contribute to class participation. Please allow 2-3 weeks for grade processing after the end date of the course. Check that this delay will not interfere with deadline dates at your school for graduation or financial aid. ** SYLLABUS IS A DRAFT FROM A PREVIOUS SEMESTER: UPDATED SYLLABUS WILL BE ADDED WHEN IT IS AVAILABLE **