Home SchoolThe University of Illinois
Class NameText Mining
Class Number590
Course ToolLEEP
Class SectionTXL
FacultyCatherine Blake
Credits4 Credit Hours
Class DescriptionThis course introduces students to the knowledge discovery process and methods used to mine patterns from a collection of text. We will critically review text mining methods developed in the knowledge discovery and databases, information science, and computational linguistics communities. Students will develop proficiency with modeling text through individual projects.
Start and End Date8/26/2010 - 12/2/2010
Start and End Time
(if synchronous)
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM United States - Central
Days of Week
(of class meetings, if synchronous)
Last Add Day7/19/2010
Residency Start and End Date10/14/2010 - 10/14/2010
Residency LocationChampaign, IL