Home SchoolThe Victoria University of Wellington
Class NameInformation Access and Use
Class NumberINFO 523
Course ToolBlackboard
FacultyJennifer Campbell-Meier
Credits3 Credit Hours
Class DescriptionThis course covers models of information seeking behaviour and information literacy, and will equip students with the skills to assist users efficiently and effectively to access information in contexts such as libraries, museums, records management systems, and archives. This course enables students in wide range of contexts to identify client needs, develop resource collections for a client base, provide reference/information services, and empower clients through information literacy and user education programmes.
View Syllabus
Start and End Date3/2/2015 - 6/5/2015
Start and End Time
(if synchronous)
6:45 pm - 8:15 pm New Zealand
Days of Week
(of class meetings, if synchronous)
Last Add Day2/9/2015
Residency Start and End DateNo Residency
Class DisclaimerStudents agree to the course parameters of the host institution, including but not limited to: course management tools, grading, any required residencies, possible synchronous sessions, and academic calendars. Students are expected to meet deadlines as outlined in course syllabus and to contribute to class participation. Please allow 2-3 weeks for grade processing after the end date of the course. Check that this delay will not interfere with deadline dates at your school for graduation or financial aid.