Home School | The University of Illinois |
Class Name | Cataloging of Nonprint Materials |
Class Number | 590 |
Course Tool | Moodle |
Class Section | CN |
Faculty | Bothmann |
Credits | 2 Credit Hours |
Class Description | This course provides practical application of and focus on the special problems of cataloging and classifying nonprint resources commonly encountered in most library settings. Topics covered include digital (e-books, databases, Web sites), cartographic, non-musical audio, and visual (moving and still images) resources using AACR2 and MARC 21. Special focus is given to the unique problems of nonprint media, classification issues, and current national standards and practices. |
Seats | 3 |
Delivery | Synchronous |
Start and End Date | 6/11/2011 - 8/6/2011 |
Start and End Time (if synchronous) | 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM United States - Central |
Days of Week (of class meetings, if synchronous) | Tuesday |
Last Add Day | 5/25/2011 |
Residency Start and End Date | 6/11/2011 - 6/11/2011 |
Residency Location | Urbana-Champaign |