Home SchoolThe University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Class NameAdvanced Cataloging
Class Number26862
Course ToolDesire2Learn
Class Section791-213
Credits3 Credit Hours
Class DescriptionDESCRIPTION: Seminar on cataloging digital, audio, and video resources using AACR2 and MARC 21. Includes theory and practical applications for electronic monographs, serials, databases, Web sites, computer manipulated MARC data, and future directions in cataloging such as RDA. 3 credits. PREREQUISITES: • Graduate Standing. • Completion of 711 Cataloging and Classification. • Basic computer literacy as outlined in the SOIS policy is required. OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Articulate issues facing libraries in organizing, cataloging, and managing various types of digital, media, and continuing resources; 2. Critically analyze the bibliographic characteristics of digital, sound, video, and continuing resources, their challenges for cataloging, and issues related to the functions of the library catalog, user tasks, and bibliographic entities and relationships; 3. Originally catalog sound, video, and monographic, integrating, and serial digital resources according to the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, the MARC 21 standard, and other current national and international cataloging guidelines; 4. Evaluate new methods and tools for machine-generation of cataloging, batch manipulation of MARC record files, harvesting, mapping, and repurposing of MARC bibliographic data, and uses for MARCXML; 5. Articulate current RDA developments and discussions about the future of bibliographic control, cataloging, catalogers, and online library catalogs.
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Start and End Date5/31/2011 - 8/20/2011
Last Add Day5/11/2011
Residency Start and End DateNo Residency