Home SchoolThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Class NameElectronic Health Records: Emerging Standards, Applications, and Services
Class NumberINLS 890
Course ToolBlackboard
Class Section01W
FacultyJulia Khanova
Credits3 Credit Hours
Class DescriptionThe course is aimed at data management specialists, data management administrators, and students interested in health data management. There is currently significant momentum for selecting and using EHRs, driven by the financial incentives specified in the American Recovery and Reinvestment bill which became US law in 2009. The US is investing about 20 billion dollars in the area of health information technology and with promises of more investments in the near future. The Office of National Coordinator of Health Information Technology is assembling use cases in various areas of health including pediatric care, long-term chronic care, adverse event reporting, and medications. Alongside consumer-oriented support services, there is also a significant effort on developing state-level health information exchanges and a federal architecture for health information exchange.
Start and End Date6/21/2012 - 7/22/2012
Last Add Day6/22/2012
Residency Start and End DateNo Residency