IFLA - Call for Proposals: Putting the learner into E-learning
For Immediate Release
Contact: Katie Schisa
WISE Director
December 28, 2007
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) E-learning Discussion Group is planning an interactive presentation on e-learning at the next IFLA World Library & Information Congress, August 10-14, 2008, in Québec, Canada.
WISE was involved in the first E-Learning SIG session at IFLA 2007 in Durban, South Africa, which attracted several hundred attendees. Please consider passing this along to interested parties at your school, as this is a great opportunity to get involved in the E-learning group and to gain exposure in the international LIS community.
This session, which will include a series of 15 minute presentations intermixed with active discussion, will focus on learner centered approaches to e-learning in continuing professional development/workplace learning, information literacy programs and LIS education
Proposals may be submitted in English, French or Spanish. A formal paper, for inclusion on the IFLA conference website, will be required to accompany the selected conference session presentations. The formal paper must be submitted in one of the official IFLA languages (English, French, German, Russian, Spanish).
Submission should include:
- 300-500 word proposal
- Name(s), and position(s)/ title(s), of presenter(s)
- Employer or Affiliated Institution
- Mailing address
- Phone and fax number
- E-mail address
- Short biographical statement and resume of the presenter/s
Important Dates:
February 1, 2008: Proposals due via e-mail to the co-convenors of the IFLA e-Learning Discussion Group.
March 1, 2008: Acceptance decisions made.
May 15, 2008: Deadline for formal paper submission from authors of accepted proposals.
For more information on the conference, please visit the conference website at https://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla74/index.htm