WISE at ALISE - Call for Participation
The WISE Consortium invites experienced and successful online
instructors from a variety of WISE member schools to deliver
presentations on effective online pedagogy at the ALISE 2009 Annual
Conference in Denver. The presentations will take place during the fifth
annual pre-conference workshop sponsored by WISE on the morning of
January 20, 2009.
Presenters selected for this workshop will lead discussions and share
ideas about effective strategies based on their experience with
particular LIS courses and content areas. Priority will be given to
presentations that address the following issues related to online teaching:
* Promoting student engagement and participation, communication
internally within the online classroom and outreach beyond
* The instructor as course manager, balancing the curriculum between
implementing new technology and maintaining sound pedagogical
Interested faculty are invited to submit a one-page proposal outlining
their presentation to amckinn@illinois.edu
by November 10, 2008.
Anne McKinney
Visiting Coordinator of Instructional Design (WISE)
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel St.
Champaign IL 61820