WISE Marketing Resources - Students
Wise Administrators may download the following templates for student marketing purposes. Note that the text which appears in red bust be modified for each school
Voice-over narration may be added to these presentations to make them web-friendly. For examples of narrated PowerPoints used at the iSchool at Syracuse, please contact Kathleen Schisa at kbschisa@syr.edu.
Student Orientation Slides: Face-to-Face Presentation
6-slide PowerPoint presentation designed to serve as a visual aid for a face-to-face presentation to students on what WISE is and what benefits it provides.
Student Orientation Flyer
Tri-fold Word flyer designed for incoming or prospective students; utilize WISE to market your program.
Student Enrollment Tutorial Slides
15-slide PowerPoint presentation designed for delivery face-to-face or online; provides students with background on WISE and the enrollment process.